It may not have the cachet of the Texas Twitter Tasteoff, but at The Washington Post we conducted our own version of the famous Judgment of Paris, pitting the US vs France in an oenological grudge match. Only we slipped in some local wines without telling anyone.
What did our professional judges – three retailers and three sommeliers – decide? Virginia can go toe-to-toe with the big boys!
Read about it in today's Washington Post.
I was slightly disappointed with the Judgment of DC competition and article (despite being a VA wine fan) because the article suggests that the Virginia wines stood toe to toe with the best wines from California and France; however, the wines selected for the tasting hardly represent the best wines from those two prominent wine-making regions. I really enjoy the Newton unfiltered cabernet, for example, but the judges rated it as a 92 point wine (exactly Parker's score for the Newton). That is a very good wine, but California wineries produce hundreds that are even better each year, like my favorites, Caymus or Caymus Select.
Virginia wines are on the rise and many are very enjoyable, which I'm proud to see as a Virginian, but none of the tested local wines passed the 90-point mark. They are good wines and we should enjoy them, but they didn't match the best that California and France have to offer... yet.
Posted by: VA Wine Fan | August 19, 2009 at 12:36 PM
The Post goes through all this, and NOT ONE of the wines is from a producer in the immediate D.C. area? Loudoun County, for instance: Breaux? Tarara? Bluemont? Notaviva? Why is that? Several of these places are opening annually. We love the destinations. But: Is the wine any good? What a lost opportunity. We also wonder: Are the wines of Northern Virginia any better or worse than those produced closer to Charlottesville, etc.? And why not taste what Virginia is good at producing: Viognier or Norton or Cab Franc?
Posted by: ANOTHER VA Wine Fan | August 19, 2009 at 02:59 PM
Here's some additional info on how I selected the wines:
Posted by: Dave McIntyre | August 19, 2009 at 03:38 PM