Washington Post Food Editor Joe Yonan - known in my house as "your boss" - walks the walk of the locavore/locapour issue in his "Quick Bites" feature on NBC-4 this week. Joe tastes some of the wines from the new Virginia wine page at Blue Duck Tavern, one of DC's most avidly locavore restaurants, and one I mentioned in my feature on local wines and local wine lists in yesterday's Food section. If I knew how to embed the video here, I would, but we'll have to settle for the link to the station's website.
Nice shoutouts here for Rappahannock Cellars and Boxwood Winery.
Dear Dave,
I'm saddened to hear via The Wine Curmudgeon that some snobby wine drinker sent you a negative e-mail about Virginia wines. As Virginia wine lovers for 30 years, my husband and I have tasted our way through the evolution of Virginia wines, from less than 20 wineries to the 160 of today. We hosted an annual Virginia tasting in July to educate members of our wine club in Lynchburg, Va., about how good Virginia wines could be. Once we moved to Salem, Va., we started the Roanoke Valley Wine Tastemasters and did the same. I'm sure if he or she would only get over that prejudice, your e-mail writer could find plenty of Virginia wines to like at Vintage Virginia or other wine festivals in Virginia throughout the year.
Posted by: Meg Hibbert | October 22, 2010 at 01:32 PM
You know, my first impression of Virginia wine, more than 20 years
ago, was not exactly favorable. But I had friends who kept telling me
they were good, so I kept trying them. And of course, it helps to have
an open mind. People whotqsted local wines a long time ago and didnt
like them dont have to admit they were wrong. They only have to
praise The winemakers for improving. Its time to swallow their pride
and sip some wine.
You have lucky friends, Meg. Thanks for commenting.
Posted by: Dave McIntyre | October 22, 2010 at 03:28 PM
We are very grateful for the support for ourselves and our Virginia colleagues as always, thank you for reposting!
Posted by: Boxwood Winery | October 27, 2010 at 10:04 AM